Tuesday, September 13, 2011


this entry.'s actually more than a month old already.  i guess august was just a sad month for me (and will run true as long as i'm alive).. nonetheless, i remain hopeful that some things can change.. in the meantime, here's another sad old entry.
it is still hard to imagine that i am leaving this place.  this has been a home for me for a year and although it's far different from my true home, this place became a refuge for me.  this room has been a source of comfort in many moments of solitude and pain.  the bathroom has been a sole witness to my hidden tears of longing and sorrow.  and this view of the city especially at night has granted me the blessing to learn to embrace and love my new moon.  artificial as it may be, that blue&red light became a real comfort to my deepest sighs and questions.  somehow, in one way or another, it had its own way of bringing me closer to people and places i truly miss.

one year, sometimes i feel that it came on too fast.  at other times, i also feel that it had been long enough to still keep me holding to some crossroads i chose.

i don't know, maybe deep sighs will have to remain the same. and  i guess, some things are meant to really stay a little longer (if not forever that is)..

for now, i know i have a couple of things that i'll surely miss about this place..

and on this same day, you let go of me for the nth time.. 

written on 080411
posted 091311

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